Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Reality TV

Don't get me wrong, I have been an avid watcher of certain reality show for many years. Many have been pushed to the wayside in favor of new ones and certain shows continue to have me waiting with baited breath for the new season to start. Sitting in my comfortable recliner last night scanning all 200+ Direct TV channels I am currently paying for, not finding anything that suited my fancy, got me to pondering the up coming seasons reality TV lineup. Let's me start with "My husbands not gay." Really? I can personally say that I don't care what anyone's preference is, but? I'm at a complete loss for words. Are there that many men out there in the world that others falsely accuse of being gay that made it necessary for a reality show to clear up any confusion? How about "Buying Alaska." Must I be subjected to seeing outhouses as part of my viewing pleasure? I get it, really I do. Parts of Alaska are off the grid, therefore homes don't come with the amenities that I have in my home, hence the reason I don't want to live there.I could go on and on regarding the good, the bad and the terrible TV programs on today, but why? I can simply change the channel.